Our experiences blend adventure with nature, heritage, and mindful living. Reconnect, recharge, and embrace a lifestyle that respects our planet, celebrating a slower, sustainable way of life.
Weekly Sailing Schedule
- our recommended sails for the week ahead -
Thursday 27th March dep 1500 rtn 1830
Join us on this afternoon's sailing somewhere scenic out in the saltmarsh.
Mussel Flat x 4 persons £395
Saturday 29th March dep 0600 rtn 0930
Let us guide you through our watery world as it wakes up, breakfast aboard.
Mussel Flat x 4 persons £395
Sunday 30th March dep 0630 rtn 1000
Enjoy an exhilarating sea style sail out past Well's iconic coloured beach huts.
Crab Boat 6 persons £545
For immediate booking Contact HQ +44 (0) 7817 307551

Individual Sails
Solo explorers can join a 3-4 hr combined sail into the salt marsh:
April: Thurs 3 0900 and Sat 19 0830
May: Fri 2 0830
June: Fri 6 1400
July: Tues 1 0930
Sept: Fri 26 0730
Oct: Sat 11 0800
Contact HQ +44 (0) 7817 307551

Sea School
A full day of instruction whilst on an exploration, teaching the basic skills required of a coastal explorer; boat handling, how to stay warm and dry; boat handling skills, knots, how to sail a lug rig, wild swmming, tides, creek navigation, wildllife and foraging.
Our next planned Sea School:
0830 Thurs 3rd April
Contact HQ +44 (0) 7817 307551 explore@coastalexplorationcompany.co.uk
The Coastal Explorers' Store
Get in Touch
Contact CEC HQ who will be pleased to assist you with booking or any enquiries:
+44 (0)7817 307551
FT HTSI - One man’s mission to bring green transportation back to British coast
Thanks to Nicola Mayne from HTSI for joining us as we sail Cargo around the coast and into Norwich.
Read MoreSidetracked.com - COASTAL EXPLORATION From The Field
A sailboat journey through the creeks and marshes of the Norfolk coastline with the Coastal Exploration Company
Read MoreCountry Life Magazine - The tide waits for no man
We were recently featured in Country Life magazine to read the full article click here
Read More