How To Book

Planning your Exploration

All of our experiences blend adventure with nature, heritage, and mindful living. Recharging your spirit, and embrace a lifestyle that respects our planet, celebrating a slower, sustainable way of life.

However, you may wish to experience a particular boat, have always wanted to meander through the creeks to Cley, or you may be fascinated by spear fishing or you just want to relax with a picnic.

Let us guide you though the process or alternatively drop CEC HQ a line.

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1. Party Size

The size of your party may determine the boat(s) that we will use and in some cases the kind of exploration we will embark on.

Saffron and VBK

The Mussel Flats

16’ lug rigged mussel flats, VBK was made by the Worfolk's and Saffron was made for the Loose fishing family in Brancaster. Ideal for exploring the smallest creeks

Up to 4 people salt marsh only or 8 people with both flats

My Girls

The Crab Boat

20’ open wooden lug rigged crab boat, larch on oak clinker built in Sheringham in 1965. Ideal for calm coastal sailing, exploring creeks and crossing sand banks.

Up to 6 People at sea and in the salt marsh


The Whelk Boat

30’ open wooden lug rigged boat, built in the Worfolk boat yard in Kings Lynn in 1950. Ideal for coastal sailing and camping out with a wood burning stove and canvas tent.

Up to 8 people at sea, 6 people overnight and 10 people in the salt marsh


The Shrimping Smack

A 42' decled gaff rigged smack built in 1923 by the Worfolk boat yard in Kings Lynn. Ideal for tide to tide coastal sails and further. Also our HQ and accommodation.

Up to 8 people at sea and overnight

2. Time

On the tide (3-4 hrs)

Before and after High Water there is on average at least 4 hours of water depending on state of tide, wind direction, atmopsheric pressure and the boat's draft

A day sail (8 hrs)

We use the morning tide to sail to a particular location along the coast, then drop the anchor and explore the creeks and sand banks at low tide. We have to walk off the marsh, get picked up by taxi and return you to Wells.

A day sail (12 hrs)

We use the morning tide to reach a specific location, explore the area at low tide, or stay at sea, and then wait for the evening tide to be able to sail back to our HQ in Wells.

An overnight sail

We use the morning tide to sail along the coast and either drop the anchor in a protected spot, or stay at sea until the evening tide. We stay overnight and then use the morning tide to return to our HQ in Wells.

Message CEC HQ

Can't make up your mind or have a question? Let our team help

Phone - Text - Whats App: 
+44 (0) 7817 307551


If you prefer fill in the form below and we will respond as soon as possible:

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e.g. What would you like to do